You can always leave a review after you attended a OneFit workout. There are guidelines regarding writing a review, read those carefully:
Review Guidelines
- Reviews may not contain any assumptions, insults, threats, swearing or other abusive language.
- Your review may not include any discriminating content.
- Please do not place a review for a location with which you are affiliated (such as a location you're an employee of).
- Please do not include irrelevant information. Meaning, any information that isn't directly related to the service provided by the partner location, or any information about situations that do not reasonably fall under the partner location's responsibility should be omitted from your review.
- It's not allowed for you to use your review to advertise businesses, brands, or other organisations.
- Your review may not contain any private information about others.
- Your review should only concern the training, service and facilities of the location you're reviewing.
If your review does not meet the guidelines above, OneFit reserves the right to delete your review or request you to change it. In case the review is in line with these rules, OneFit will not delete your review (even if it's a negative one) without consulting you first. Any feedback about OneFit's platform or service can be communicated to our Customer Experience team.
How can I edit my review?
- On the app: via My Account > Settings > Workout reviews > Reviewed
- On the website: via My Account > Reviews > Reviewed
- Click "Edit" next to your review.
I am (employed by) the partner location and disagree with a member review, what can I do?
First of all, make sure you react to the review from your Partner Portal (note that this reply will be public). For further advice, you can also contact our Customer Experience team.
Please note: we do not delete negative reviews by partner's requests unless the review is not in line with our Review Guidelines. Please do not reach out to members personally via other channels.
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